
what.singles is free for booking at xtr.name

Names, services made for singles. They connect providers to the new largest consumer community in modern societies. Singles are independent and don´t want to stay alone at the same time. Let´s unsingle and support single households and lifestyles ultra personal. Get this perfect basis for subdomains: Add phrases, brand and user names before and after this name. Single followers, platform users and consumers will love your straight forwardness and get stronger connected to you.

Use Cases

Showcase your products and services the way people think, talk and type.
Target groups : Singles, single suppliers, choaches, counselors, living alone consumers, single room households.
Brands: Your brand name in the perfect context makes people respond more intuitively and therefore faster, like google.knows.what.singles/search.
Geo relevance : Put the name of your location, city and region before and after: Hongkong, Dubai, Durban, Paris, St Petersburg, Rocky Mountains,...
Ultra personal : Address customers, members by their names for getting truly closer. Any name is allowed: Real names, avatar names, user and nick names and even numbers.
Meeting needs : Provide togetherness, closeness, meetings so that single individuals gain social benefits and experience community.

Talking names

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Create and broadcast unlimited clickable/tappable phrases, even headers and sentences for the internet and beyond.

We create context

Root Keywords   Singles Supply Dating Music Music Video
Affects   Families Singles Partners Men Markets Bands Shopping Life
Hashtags   #equipment #fashion #dating #lifestyle #independent #charts

Singles in news & media

Adweek : Alibaba Matches Amazon's Hype what Singles Day Changes
Realbusiness : Single in 2019 and beyond
The Things : Singles & Albums 2021
Loudwire : What singles rock
Twitter : Singles newsstream
Pinterest : Pick some single idea(l)s
Instagram : Singles inspirations
Google : News on singles
Youtube : Broadcasting single stories

More awesomeness?! Soon!



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  Rent | Lease

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Rent or lease names
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Subdomain rental
Order the name and phrase you like and subscribe as long as you wish. Start now  

  Multiply Domain Names

Create unlimited subdomains as talking names for your business, customers and users, automatically, billed & invoiced. Start now  
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