Talking Names

| We provide Xtr partners with earning digital ecosystems.
| We manufacture digital assets and services for people, marketing and brands.

Talking Names Early Bird announcement to kick off an earning digital ecosystem for brands, marketing and consumers

First-to-Market Announcement

We do it again! You are an entrepreneur, investor, visioneer in the digital realm? Feel free to contact us. Why? We still have seats available for early bird partners. In addition to our call for tender we have prepared a first-to-market schedule as well. Goal: Getting extremely quick to market with the first release of the Talking Names products for consumers (B2C), plus selling digital assets platfroms to business clients (B2B & B2B2C).

You just stumbled in here? Well done! If you don´t want to join but to make use of our services, you will find all details from Febr 2023 on.

Want to join?  We are happy to provide simple and quick answeres.
Talking Name Products

While Talking Names is a digital ecosystem it provides products for users and business partners, such as

Connect Pac  |  Marketing Names  |  Brand Pac  |  VIP|VIA  |  Public Assets  |  Identity Wall  |  Name Pages & Homy  |  Ad5 Pac  |  Smart Identities  |  Communications aaS  |  ..more is in the making.

More details

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